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We're Going To Jackson.... Again! The Mississippi IT Symposium Is Returning To Jackson, Mississi

Last year was the inaugural event of the Mississippi IT Symposium which resulted in 125 attendees from 50 different companies coming together for a day of networking, knowledge-sharing and education. This year's event is expected to push over 200 attendees. The day will be filled with three keynote speakers (Dr. Frances Lucas, Jeremy Graves and Scott Augenbaum) along with 10+ breakout sessions allowing each attendee to tailor their symposium day to their needs.

Delivering the opening keynote presentation is Jeremy Graves, lead Instructor at the Boise State University Center for Professional Development. Jeremy will explore how generations view the workplace, the values that each generation brings to the workplace and how to bridge the gap when working multi-generationally, with the hopes of giving you some tips and tools for engaging the multi-generational workforce.

Lunch Keynote, Scott Augenbaum, is a Retired Supervisory Special Agent for the FBI. Throughout Scott’s career almost all of his hundreds of victims never expected to become a victim because they didn't believe they had anything worth stealing. Scott has responded to hundreds of data breaches and will share with you the commonalities in almost all incidents and provide you with several takeaways to prevent your organization from becoming the next victim.

The closing keynote titled, "Motivate First, Manage Second" will be delivered by Dr. Francis Lucas, Former Milsaps College President and current executive coach, discusses how to motivate your employees to their highest performance possible. Organizational research reveals some myth busters, such as the reward-and-punishment method isn’t as effective as it used to be. Learn why successful leaders who focus on motivating their employees spend much less time managing them.

Some highlighted breakout sessions include:

"Building an Executive IT Strategy" - Panel Presentation This panel presentation will discuss streamlining IT, building visionaries within IT, managing change and doing more with less.

  • Moderator: Craig Orgeron, Executive Director, ITS

  • Carla Lewis, CIO, C-Spire

  • Kevin Rutledge, CTO, Butler Snow LLP

  • Dave Bufkin, CIO, Horne LLP

"Culture Shock! How To Build/Grow Your Security Program" - Panel Presentation This panel presentation will discuss how to develop a security culture in your company. Tips and techniques to help sell management on building security into the budget. Who is the typical person in charge of security in your company and how are you getting that person the training they need.

  • Moderator: Scott Augenbaum

  • Kevin Yearick, CTO, University of Mississippi Medical Center

  • Bob Wilson, Technology Security Officer, The University of Southern Mississippi

  • Dane Truhett, Manager Information Security, C-Spire

A portion of each paid registration will go to this year's selected charity, One Shred of Hope located in Clinton, Mississippi. This wonderful organization focuses on empowering families affected by disabilities.

If you or someone you know is interested in attending the Mississippi IT Symposium, please register today by visiting as seats are filling up quickly. For questions and comments, contact the event lead, Dayton Ruby at

*Please note registration is only open to non-sponsoring IT practitioners.*

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